1st Choice Host Support Center
Thank You for Choosing 1st Choice Host
Our support continues to provide High Quality Services. Support is staffed 24 hours a day. Once you sign up with us you will receive your login information within 24hrs. 4 to 6 hrs is average.
The first thing you need to do is upload your website to our servers, follow the instructions under Getting Started from our » Support Page. You can use the Dedicated IP Address that we provide. Or you can use your domain name if we registered it and its completely propagated. If your domain name is not registered through us you'll have to make sure the DNS is pointing to us. We will send you an additional email with instructions.
After your website is uploaded you can then setup your email accounts. Refer to the link "Setting Up Your Email & WebMail" under Getting Started from our » Support Page. Basically there are 2 steps in the process. First step would be CREATING the email account/address through your WebControl panel. Each of our web hosting packages come with a WebControl panel where you can find out more information about from our Support Page under Getting Started. Second step would be setting up the email account on your computer using Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, and Eudora. Again, refer to the link "Setting Up Your Email & WebMail" under Getting Started from our » Support Page.
Our DNS (Domain Name Servers) info is:
PRIMARY NAMESEVER: ns.hostsite4u.com
SECONDARY NAMESERVER: ns2.hostsite4u.com
Paying By Credit Card
Credit Card accounts will be automatically billed each month and your billing cycle will be adjusted to a "first day of the month" cycle
Paying By Check
Your billing cycle will be adjusted to a "first day of the month" cycle. It is important that you pay your hosting fees in advance to avoid disruption of services. Check payment for new accounts must be sent immediately. Quarterly statements are sent and these payments must be sent on time. If payments are not received on time, we will attempt to contact you prior to service deactivation. Also, please contact us if a delayed payment is suspected.
Prior to contacting us for support related questions first refer to the our » Support Page and our » Online Manual which will contain 98% of the information you should need to utilize the included features and to configure your files to our servers. If you contact support and do not get the answers to your questions, please email sales@1stchoicehost.com. You can also contact us at 716-639-5995 if you need to speak to us about a problem.
NOTE: Most cgi scripts normally will not work until the domain name is registered and pointing to us.
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