Start Earning Income Immediately!
- Quick, easy and economical options to becoming a reseller
- No long term contracts or quotas to meet
- No limit on number of accounts sold
- Anonymous 24/7 support desk for your clients
Reseller Pricing
Business Accounts: $8.95 Each
Corporate Accounts: $13.95 Each
Setup per account: $5.00
Reseller Account: $24.95 month, plus $15.00 setup -includes 1 Corporate Plan
* Resold accounts do not include free domain registrations or free month.
Reseller Accounts are designed for companies and individuals who would like to have all technical aspects of a domain, handled professionally.
We will handle all your customer support questions and all individual domain setups. We will also file the domain applications, and setup (at your request) a user support control panel and directly interact with your customers as a representative of your company. We will remain completely annoynomous and replace the need for you to hire any technical support. This will leave you free to grow and operate your business.
This is beneficial to web businesses offering design and hosting services or individuals looking to create income as a web presence provider. You should be able to establish a positive cash flow with just a few accounts.
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